Monday, February 12, 2007

Bombs Kill 70 in Iraqi Capital

Summarized article by Joshua Partlow, Washington Post Foreign Service

Yet another suicide attack in the capital city of Baghadad today serves as a chilling reminder -- one that happens on at least a weekly basis right now -- of how the Iraq situation is progressing. Shortly after noon, a series of explosions rocked a market with nearby mosques and churches killing at least 70 civilians. The toll included mostly Shiites and engulfed a warehouse leaving a black cloud of smoke over the city. The explosions occurred as thousands of Shitte Muslim citizens rallied for peace in Baghdad. There is little direct explanation for the attacks, although 3 people were arrested in connection -- including one Iraqi. The Shiites have habitually been striking back with masked gunmen attacks, however, there have been none lately after an apparent order from Shiite militia head Moqtada al-Sadr to work for reconciliation.
It was interesting in yet another report about the common suicide attacks in Iraq to come across names that had been mentioned in our textbook, The Prince of the Marshes. Moqtada al-Sadr's name was dropped in connection with appears to be a positive step in the situation, as he has called off retaliation attempts by his militia over the bombings of his fellow Shiites. Sadr even had a member of his army quoted as saying that they have direct "orders not to intervene" although they were very upset by the attacks. In addition, the member continued in saying that they are "focusing on national reconciliation between Sunnis and Shiites." This could definitely be a postitive step from within Iraq because of the apparent power that Sadr has in Iraq following the demise of the Baathist party once led by Saddam.

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